Daniele Testore

Ph.D. student


Daniele Testore obtained his BSc (2018) and MSc (2020) degrees in Biomedical Engineering from Politecnico di Torino (Italy). During his master thesis activity, he was involved in the design of hybrid polymeric-lipid nanoparticles for efficient encapsulation and release of microRNAs within BIORECAR Project. Afterwards, he spent 9 months working as a postgraduate research fellow in the Photopolymers Lab at Department of Applied Science and Technology (DiSAT, Politecnico di Torino), where he developed electroconductive photo-curable hydrogels for cardiac tissue engineering, under the supervision of Prof. Sangermano and Prof. Chiono. He is currently a PhD student in Bioengineering and Medical-Surgical Sciences at Politecnico di Torino, supervised by Prof. Chiono. In the framework of BIORECAR Project, he is working on the development of engineered hydrogel substrates integrating biomimetic biochemical and physical cues, particularly electroconductivity, for enhancing direct cardiac reprogramming in cardiac regeneration.

Daniele Testore
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Politecnico di Torino
Corso Duca Degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Turin
Email: daniele.testore@polito.it